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How TCM Reach Truck Forklifts Enhance Operator Comfort and Safety.

Material Handling
How TCM Reach Truck Forklifts Enhance Operator Comfort and Safety.

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At TCM, we know that people-centric technology creates a happier, more productive workforce. That’s why our reach truck forklifts adapt perfectly to the individual operator’s needs. Read on to discover how they could benefit your business.

Operator comfort and safety is critical to your operation’s success. Firstly, if operators are comfortable during their shifts, they’re more likely to be satisfied at work and therefore be more productive. Secondly, ensuring optimum safety helps to prevent potentially serious accidents from occurring, saving your business time and money in the long run.

That’s why we interviewed truck operators and logistics managers worldwide and conducted scientific studies on ergonomics and repetitive strain injuries to fine-tune our reach trucks, testing prototypes in the toughest real-life conditions.

Read on to discover how TCM reach trucks can enhance your business’ operations.

Download our reach trucks brochure today to learn more.

Ergonomic features enhance operator comfort and safety

TCM’s reach forklifts range boasts numerous features that enhance operator comfort and safety. Scientific studies show that an operator changes steering wheel direction around 2,000 times per hour. With this in mind, TCM reach trucks feature a mini steering wheel with a floating armrest to provide operators with relief during long shifts. This helps to ensure maximum productivity, control and comfort.

75% of the operator’s body contact with the truck is through the seat. That’s why our reach trucks feature a state-of-the-art seat, including an 18° tilt function to reduce neck and back strain when handling loads on high levels. To further optimise comfort, the tilting backrest adapts conveniently to the weight of the operator for maximum comfort during shifts. With the narrow Ergo backrest, it’s also easier for the operator to turn their chest in the direction of travel, helping to reduce repetitive strain injuries.

TCM reach forklifts additionally boast Dynamic Cornering Control (DCC) technology. This allows high drive speed, but automatically reduces speed to a suitable level when cornering for improved operator safety. This is especially useful if the operator needs to respond quickly to avoid an obstacle.

Our reach trucks’ Ergologic multi-function control fits perfectly in the operator’s hand to reduce fatigue and improve performance. TCM reach trucks feature Mast Tilt Control (MTC) to increase safety, while all controls are placed for intuitive and simultaneous operation. This ensures excellent mast stability for quick pallet handling, contributing to improved stacking performance and safety.

Finally, our reach trucks feature a Stability Support System to help operators maintain driving stability in numerous situations and environments, boosting their confidence and in turn improving performance. When handling loads at high levels, the Soft Motion adapts the mast tilt, reach and sideshift speed to maximise stability and safety.

Related Read: The True Cost of Forklift Accidents Revealed

How TCM reach trucks benefit operators

TCM reach trucks have been designed with the operator in mind to make shifts as comfortable, efficient, and safe as possible. 

When it comes to reach trucks, approximately 10% of the time, the forks are lifted so high that the operator must look upwards. This can cause operators to strain. Fortunately, the tilting seat on TCM reach trucks helps to significantly reduce this. 

Thanks to our ProVision concept, TCM reach forklift drivers have enhanced visibility in all directions to ensure safe handling.

With typical usage, operators travel forwards 70% of the time. Our mini steering wheel allows a relaxed body position. Relieving the pressure on the neck, back, shoulder and elbow, the floating armrest and mini steering wheel helps to improve posture and reduce strain.

An ergonomic shoulder position can also be easily achieved with our reach trucks. Putting the operator’s left shoulder towards the backrest, TCM’s mini steering wheel makes it easier to move the body in the direction of the truck. 

During a typical shift, the operator gets on and off the truck many times. Our low, easy step makes entering and exiting our reach trucks effortless.

Related Read: How to Create a Culture of Health and Safety in the Workplace

Reducing your total cost of ownership

At TCM, we understand that price is important to you. What’s even more important is the total cost of ownership (TCO). That’s why we’re dedicated to helping you increase efficiencies and cut costs in your operation.

Our reach trucks boast world-class performance and efficiency, so you can feel confident that they’re a cost-effective solution for your business.

Aside from the truck itself, our dealer network is on hand and happy to help you optimise your warehouse operations to further support your business.

To discover how TCM reach trucks could enhance operator comfort and safety in your organisation, click the button below to speak to your local dealer.

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