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4 Warehouse Sustainability Ideas for Every Industry.

4 Warehouse Sustainability Ideas for Every Industry.

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warehouse sustainability ideas

With the 2030 ban on petrol and diesel engines looming, and electrification in full swing, a drive towards more sustainable business practices is gaining momentum. Here are four warehouse sustainability ideas to implement in your own operation.

We all have a responsibility to make better choices as far as the environment is concerned — but is your business doing enough to create a sustainable environment?

The benefits of incorporating more sustainable practices in your business are numerous, including increased fuel efficiency, reduced fuel consumption, better waste management, and more.

Going electric with your forklift fleet is one way to boost your green credentials. However, at TCM, we understand that the steps you take will largely depend on your business sector. 

That’s why we’ve outlined a number of ways to create a more sustainable operating environment, no matter your business needs or objectives. Read on to discover the positive changes you could make in your operation today.

Sustainability for manufacturing

If your business operates in the manufacturing sector, switching to an electric forklift, or even an electric forklift fleet, is likely to be one of your long-term business objectives. 

At TCM, we understand that this is a significant investment for any business. That’s why our dealer network is on hand and happy to help you identify your unique business requirements. From there, we’ll be able to recommend the ideal solution to help drive your business forward.

If you’ve already made the switch towards electric trucks, then charging your equipment during off-peak periods can further boost your operation’s efficiency.

Related Read: Genuine vs. Counterfeit: How OEM Forklifts Parts Can Reduce Downtime

Sustainability for transport & logistics

As transport infrastructure becomes more complex and advanced, the demand for fast service is also increasing. As a result, businesses in the transport and logistics sector are continually looking for ways to boost sustainability while simultaneously increasing output.

Meanwhile, Stage V EU directives are calling on businesses to review their current engines and equipment in a bid to reduce harmful emissions. This will have a significant impact on the transport and logistics sector, where businesses typically operate in outdoor environments and rely on diesel trucks. Therefore, businesses will need to seriously consider whether to switch from diesel to LPG trucks, and eventually electric vehicles to meet the new stringent standards.

Despite the challenges, technologies are continuing to evolve rapidly, presenting exciting new opportunities for businesses in the transport and logistics sector to innovate and become more sustainable. This is great news for businesses looking to future-proof their operations.

While you may be familiar with the environmental benefits of electric vehicles (EVs) already — or even be lucky enough to drive one yourself — the impact of EVs in a large-scale transport and logistics environment can be truly transformative for businesses. Technologies including automated guided vehicles (AVGs) and cobots (collaborative robots) will allow businesses to improve efficiency, lower costs, and reduce harmful emissions.

Sustainability for warehousing & distribution 

If you’ve recently invested in an electric forklift truck, or even a fleet of electric forklifts, you’ll probably have needed to adapt your shift patterns to accommodate frequent battery charging. But what if your energy source could be sustainable, too?

If your business is serious about improving its warehouse sustainability long-term, investing in solar panels can be a cost-effective way to power your operation.

Utilising dock temperature control technology can also help you save energy and reduce costs in your operation. The money you save in energy can then be redistributed towards incorporating other more sustainable practices, such as investing in eco-friendly packaging or upgrading your equipment.

Whatever you decide should ultimately be in line with your business’s short- and long-term business needs, as well as your budget.

Related Read: How to Prepare Your Business for the Electrification of Your Forklift Fleet

Sustainability for smaller businesses

Plastic packaging is a hot topic today, and its use is widespread. But this can have a lasting detrimental impact on the environment. 

If you’re a small business, taking stock of the packaging materials currently used in your warehouse and considering more eco-friendly alternatives is one way to make your warehouse more sustainable and reduce costly waste. Could your business introduce reusable packaging, for example?

You could also assess what your existing pallets are made from, and consider whether you could source pallets made from wood by-products instead to reduce waste.

Related Read: Looking Ahead: 3 Future Material Handling Challenges You Need to Prepare For

How we can help

At TCM, we’re dedicated to helping you achieve your business goals — no matter how big or small. From helping you introduce electric trucks in your operation to educating you on the impact of Stage V emissions regulations, and identifying areas where you can improve sustainability in your operation, we can help.

Our dealer network provides local coverage across the UK and Europe, allowing us to talk through your business and operational requirements in person, before recommending your ideal solution. 

To discover how you can improve your operation’s sustainability today, click the button below to get in touch with your local dealer.

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